White Plains, NY BNC: Can Speaking Out Online Come With a Cost?

Can Speaking Out Online Come at a Cost? - Damali

November 3, 2022

Have you ever responded to a call to action on social media such as #BlackLivesMatter or #ICantBreath? Well, that move possibly comes with a cost, especially for black and brown people. The concept of shadow banning is coming to the forefront. Damali joined, live in White Plains, NY, BNC Go to discussing Can Speaking Out Online Come With a Cost.

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Damali Peterman

Damali Peterman, Esq., is the Founder, CEO and Chief Conflict Resolver of Breakthrough ADR LLC. Damali has extensive experience in corporate law, mediation, negotiation, and conflict resolution. She is a highly sought after mediator and trainer for Fortune 500 companies, educational institutions, government entities, nonprofits and small businesses.

About Breakthrough ADR

BREAKTHROUGHADR partners with you to identify the best paths to achieving your goals. Whether you need help reaching agreement with another party or giving your partners, employees or students the tools needed to navigate and resolve conflicts, BREAKTHROUGHADR will work with you to help you accomplish your objectives and find your breakthrough.

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